When there is a written agreement still in
force, a Tenancy Agreement can be ended in two ways:
By writing to the tenant, giving at least 2
months notice, provided the date when the notice ends (the expiry date) is
after the end of the contract.
For example, if a 6 month contract started on
the 1st January, two months notice can be given at any time up until the end of
June. A notice given during the first 4 months of the tenancy will expire on
30th June. A notice given to the tenants after 1 April should expire on a date
at least 2 months after it was served.
To end a tenancy during the period covered by
a contract is much more complicated. This is because the landlord must give
legal reasons for ending the tenancy.
Depending on which legal ground the landlord wishes to use, the notice
period is either 2 weeks or 2 months. There is a booklet available on request
which lists all of the grounds and gives further details of the process a
landlord must follow